An Earth Day Omelet |
Sure, garlic mustard is an invasive weed, but it is also a nutritious and delicious early green that you can find almost anywhere that you can find grass and other "weeds" growing, and it's FREE! Our early March "heat streak" in Wisconsin has given many of us locavores unrealistic hopes about taking early adventures to the garden and leaving the freezer behind. With nothing of substance to pick yet, going to get eggs from the chicken coop, garlic mustard from the yard, and herbs from the garden this morning were quite the exciting ventures to pay tribute to Mother Earth on Earth Day.
Spring chives |
If you haven't foraged for garlic mustard before, you should know that it is packed with
Vitamins A, C, E and some of the B vitamins, potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper, iron and magnese. If you're up for picking it, you're in luck because it's everywhere (hence, many considering it an invasive, annoying weed). It has a light garlicky taste and can be eaten raw in an early spring salad or cooked in such wonderfulness as soup, stir-fries, or omelets.
Here's what it looks like:
One of the garlic mustard patches |
I've heard of many foragers stopping alongside the road to cut a basketful or hiking through forest grounds to look for some. We're "lucky" enough to have it growing in our own backyard. For all of our local friends, let us know if you want any -- we have quite the abundance and are happy to share.
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