To beat the winter blues, we are participating in the February Instagram Photo-a-Day Challenge. Though we have no iPhone to take the phancy phone photos, we're photo-taking anyway! Some of the upcoming pictures, like telephone or heart, will be challenging to tackle with the Backyard Market theme in mind. Here's the schedule:
February 1: your view today
Rocky and I, eye-to-eye, happy for the sunny day. |
February 2: words
Kids should have access to healthy, hormone-free milk at home AND at school! |
February 3: hands
Chicken hands? |
February 4: a stranger
Bananas don't make their appearance at our place often, but when there are no local fruits growing, we'll occasionally buy a bunch of Fair Trade, organic bananas. Yum! |
February 5: 10 AM
10 AM and picking Brussel sprouts in Wisco in February. Wow! |
February 6: dinner
Said bananas made a surprise appearance for dinner on Monday night. |
February 7: Button
Gardening, writing, and caring for animals is my bliss. What's yours? |
Have a blissfully wonderful week!
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