Andy is excited for his spring break! On March 21st, he'll get to go pick up our newest chicks from the post office. We've ordered 3 more
Easter Eggers and 1
Barred Plymouth Rock. Chicks are so cute. When I look at them, I instantly feel so giddy that I have to contain my squeals. It will be hard for me to stay at work all day knowing there are new little peepers at home.
Easter Egger chicks |
Adult Easter Egger (Spinderella is an Easter Egger) |
Barred Plymouth Rock Chickies |
Barred Plymouth Rock Adult |
All of them will be getting vaccinated for Marek's as we don't know if we still have the disease on our property. We're crossing our fingers, knocking on wood, and praying to all entities that all chickens will remain healthy.
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